Ark Console commands are listed below. All of the commands are helpful in performing unique and specific actions that are not allowed in normal conditions. In other words, these are cheats commands. To open the console there are different keys on PC, Xbox, and Playstation. World-famous games like Stardew Valley
ARK Console Commands for PC:
Press “TAB” on the keyboard to access the console if you are playing ark on your PC. You can also open the console on PC by entering the Blue Roses.
ARK Console Commands for Playstation:
When you are playing Ark on PS4, to access the console you have to press L1, R1, Square and Triangle simultaneously.
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Ark Console Commands for Xbox:
To open console on the Xbox, simultaneously press LB, RB, X and Y.
- To available and open access to all commands you have to authenticate yourself with “enable cheats” command.
- The marked console commands with “Yes” in the cheat section should start with a prefix “admin cheat”
- In single player mode, you do not need to use “enable cheats”. You don’t have to put any prefix like “cheat/admincheat” before the console commands.
- Boolean type command parameters only have two possible conditions “true” or “false”. To represent these conditions in numbers use [1.0 OR 0 ] or simply 1 or 0.
- These console commands are not case sensitive.
- The console commands marked with “self” only effect the current player and the commands marked with “target”, target the entity/creature in your crosshair. Such commands cannot be used in the remote console.
- If you want to execute multiple commands at one time, you can concatenate multiple commands in one line by using “ | “ a vertical bar e.g. Fly | DestroyAll
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Table of Content
- Add Experience
- Allow Player to Join No Check
- AutoCycle
- Ban Player
- Broadcast
- CE
- Change Size
- Clear Player Inventory
- Clear Tutorials
- Debug Structures
- Destroy All
- Destroy All Enemies
- Destroy My Target
- Destroy Structures
- Destroy Tribe Dinos
- Destroy Tribe Players
- Destroy Tribe Structures
- Destroy Wild Dinos
- Disable Spectator
- Disallow Player to Join NoCheck
- Do Exit
- Do Restart Level
- Do Tame
- Enable Cheats
- Enable Spectator
- Enemy Invisible
- Exec Set Sleeping
- Fly
- Force Player to Join Target Tribe
- Force Player to Join Tribe
- Force Tame
- Force Tribes
- Game Command
- Get All State
- Get Chat
- Get Game Log
- Get Player ID for Steam ID
- Get Steam ID for Player ID
- Get Tribe Id Player List
- Ghost
- Give All Structure
- Give Colors
- Give Engrams
- Give Exp to Player
- Give Item
- Give Item Num
- Give Item Num to Player
- Give Item to Player
- Give Resources
- Give Slot Item
- Give Slot Item Num
- Give To Me
- GM Buff
- GM Summon
- God
- Hide Tutorial
- Hurt Me
- Infinite Stats
- Kick Player
- Kill
- Kill Player
- Leave Me Alone
- List Players
- Make Tribe Admin
- Make Tribe Founder
- On Toggle In Game Menu
- Open Map
- Players Only
- Print Colors
- Remove Tribe Admin
- Rename Player
- Rename Tribe
- Report Least Spawn Managers
- Report Spawn Managers
- Request Spectator
- Save World
- Script Command
- Server Chat
- Server Chat To
- Server Chat To Player
- Set Admin Icon
- Set Baby Age
- Set Cheat Player
- Set Facial Hair Percent
- Set Facial HairStyle
- Set Global Pause
- Set God Mode
- Set Graphics Quality
- Set Head Hair Percent
- Set Head HairStyle
- Set Imprint Quality
- Set Message of the Day
- Set Player Pos
- Set Show All Players
- Set Target Dino Color
- Set Target Player BodyVal
- Set Target Player ColorVal
- Set Time of Day
- Show Debug
- Show in Game Menu
- Show Message of the Day
- Show My Admin Manager
- Show Tutorial
- Slomo
- Spawn Actor
- Spawn Actor Spread
- Spawn Dino
- Stat
- Stop Spectating
- Suicide
- Summon
- Summon Tamed
- Take All Dino
- Take All Structure
- Teleport
- Teleport Player ID To Me
- Teleport Player Name to Me
- Teleport to Player
- Test Steam Refresh Items
- Toggle Gun
- Toggle Infinite Ammo
- Unban Player
- Unlock Engram
- Walk
Add Experience
AddExperience <HowMuch> <FromTribeShare> <PreventSharingWithTribe>
Detail: Increases the experience points to the mounted dinosaur or to player.You can use the GiveExpToPlayer command for giving experience points to another player.
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|Arguments:
HowMuch==>Amount to add|Type:Float|
FromTribeShare==>Apply as if experience came from tribe. |Type:Boolean|
PreventSharingWithTribe==>”1” for player only ; “0” for share with tribe|Type:Boolean|
Sample Console Command:
admincheat addexperience 1000 0 1
Allow Player to Join No Check
AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <SteamID>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|Arguments:
SteamID==>Player to whitelist|Type: Integer[64]|
Detail: It will add Steam ID of the player (defined by their Integer encoded) to the server’s whitelist.
Sample Console Command:
admincheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck 17709551615446744073
AutoCycle <Duration>
Cheat: n/a|Target: n/a|Arguments:
Duration==> Cycle Length/Period
Description: n/a
Ban Player
BanPlayer <SteamID>
Detail: Use this command if you want specific player in the server’s banned list.
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|Arguments:
SteamID==>Player to ban|Type:Integer[64]|
Sample Console Commands:
admincheat BanPlayer 17709551615446744073
Broadcast <MessageText>
Detail: It can broadcast your message to all players on the server.
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|Arguments:
MessageText==>Message to broadcast|Type: String|
Sample Command:
admincheat Broadcast Hello, everyone!
CE <type>
Description: Triggers weather states on Scorched Earth.
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|Arguments:
Type==> Type of weather |Type:String|.
Possible values:
start_rain, stop_rain
stop_superheat, start_superheat
start_electricalstorm, stop_electricalstorm
start_sandstorm, stop_sandstorm
start_volcano [Only works in Ragnarok].
Sample ark console command:
ce start_sandstorm
Change Size
ChangeSize <SizeMult>
Detail:This command can squash or stretch the character model of the player. In other words, alters the player size. But be careful with the side effects of the cheat command you will sink through the ground if it gets too small and vice versa may happen because of colossal size. This will not make you faster or slower at all.
To go back to normal size, set back to 1.
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
SizeMult==>Size multiplier|Type: Float|
Clear Player Inventory
ClearPlayerInventory <PlayerID> <ClearInventory> <ClearSlotItems> <ClearEquippedItems>
Detail: This Console Command can clear the equipped items, inventory and/or slot items of a specific player.
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|Arguments:
PlayerID==>Player’s in-game UE4 ID|Type: Integer[32]|
ClearInventory==>Clear player’s inventory?|Type: Boolean|
ClearSlotItems==>Clear player’s slot items? |Type: Boolean|
ClearEquippedItems==>Clear player’s equipped items (armor)?|Type: Boolean|
Clear Tutorials
Cheat: n/a|Target: Self|
Detail: Use this command, to make all tutorials re-appear without being forced. It will reset all the tutorials on your client.
Debug Structures
Detail: Use this ark console command if you want to reveal debug information of the structures, when you look at them. You can use this toggle display of structure’s entity ID and class name in other commands as well.
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Destroy All
DestroyAll <Type>
Detail: To Destroy specific type of creature (all of them). It includes both wild and tamed.
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|Arguments:
Type==>Type to destroy|Type: String|
Ark Sample Console Command:
admincheat DestroyAll Ankylo_Character_BP_C
Destroy All Enemies
Detail: It can destroy all creatures on the map except player, it includes tamed creatures as well. But keep in mind this command does not stop new ones from spawning as usual.
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Sample Console Command:
admincheat destroyallenemies
Destroy My Target
Detail: Use this ark cheat command to destroy the structure in the current player’s crosshairs or creature straightaway without leaving any corpse.
Cheat: Yes|Target: Target|
Note: To kill an entity and leave a corpse, use the Kill command.
Destroy Structures
Detail: This ark console command will destroys all structures on the map kept by all players.
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Destroy Tribe Dinos
Detail: Will destroy all dinos on the ARK, based on the Tribe owner (or player owner) of the thing that you are currently looking at.
Cheat: Yes|Target: Target|
Destroy Tribe Players
Detail: Will destroy all players of a tribe on the ARK, based on the Tribe owner (or player owner) of the thing that you are currently looking at.
Cheat: Yes |Target: Target|
Destroy Tribe Structures
Detail: Will destroy all structures on the ARK, based on the Tribe owner (or player owner) of the thing that you are currently looking at.
Cheat: Yes|Target: Target|
Destroy Wild Dinos
Detail: This command can destroy all creatures (untamed) on the map. It is also beneficial for helping creatures (which are newly-released) to spawn.
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Ark Sample Console Command:
admincheat destroywilddinos
Disable Spectator
Detail: This command quits spectatormode (as the character is killed when enable spectating, the respawn menu is displayed)
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Disallow Player to Join NoCheck
DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <SteamID>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|Arguments:
SteamID==>Player to remove|Type: Integer[64]|
Detail: Removes/Eliminates the specific player from the server’s whitelist.
ARK Sample Console Command:
admincheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck 17709551615446744073
Do Exit
Detail: Shuts down the server as soon as possible.
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Do Restart Level
Detail: Unknown? It seems to trigger/restart an internal map.
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Do Tame
Detail: This command tames the targeted creature if the creature is capable of being tamed, activating all triggers as if the player had tamed the creature normally (sound effect, dossier entry, gives experience, etc). Will crash game/server if done while mounted.
Cheat: Yes |Target: Target|
Note: See also ForceTame.
Enable Cheats
EnableCheats <Password>
Detail: The password provided should match the server’s ServerAdminPassword option. It will Enable/allow server administrator commands for the current player.
Cheat: n/a|Target: Self|
Sample ARK Console Command:
enablecheats pass123
Enable Spectator
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Mode spectator (will destroy inventory, leave all your stuff at safe place first)
Ctrl-M: Toggle floating player huds for the entire map (helpful to spot where everyone is)
Ctrl-P: Toggle Only Show Nearby Floating Huds
Ctrl-N: to display a list of players to jump to
Left click to attach to the player in front of you
Left Click and Right Click to cycle attached player
Spacebar to detach
Shift to Fly Fast
Ctrl to Fly Slow
Mousewheel to adjust fly speed
Shift + f1-f10 to save camera positions, and f1-f10 to teleport to them
stopspectating for leaving
See also Admin Spectator
Sample Console Command:
cheat EnableSpectator
Enemy Invisible
EnemyInvisible true|false
Detail: If this command is enabled, all creatures on the map will ignore the current player, even when attacked.
Cheat: Yes |Target: Self|
Arguments: true to be ignored, false for normal behavior
Note: See also LeaveMeAlone.
Sample Console Command:
admincheat EnemyInvisible true
Exec Set Sleeping
ExecSetSleeping true|false
Detail: Puts the current player character to sleep or wakes them up.
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Arguments: true to put to sleep, false to wake up
Sample Command:
admincheat ExecSetSleeping true
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Activates “fly mode”, permitting the player character to move freely in any direction without physics or gravity being applied. Use the walk command to disable the mode.
Ark Sample Console command:
admincheat fly
Force Player to Join Target Tribe
ForcePlayerToJoinTargetTribe <PlayerID>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Target|Arguments:
PlayerID==> Player’s in-game UE4 ID |Type:Integer[32]|
Detail: Forces the player specified by their in-game UE4 ID to the tribe that the target entity or structure of the current player belongs to. Known to have problems if there are currently no longer members in the tribe, but this may be fixed in the future.
Force Player to Join Tribe
ForcePlayerToJoinTribe <PlayerID> <TribeName>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|Arguments:
PlayerID==>Player’s in-game UE4 ID|Type: Integer[32]|
TribeName==>Tribe’s Name|Type: String |
Detail: Forces the player specified by their in-game UE4 ID to the tribe specified by it’s name. Known to have problems if there are currently no longer members in the tribe, but this may be fixed in the future.
Force Tame
Cheat: Yes|Target: Target|
Detail: Immediately tames the dinosaur under the player’s crosshairs. Dinosaurs tamed with this command can be ridden even when no saddle is equipped. Will crash game/server if done while mounted.
Note: See also DoTame
Sample Console Command:
admincheat forcetame
Force Tribes
ForceTribes <PlayerName1> <PlayerName2> <NewTribeName>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|Arguments: n/a
Detail: n/a
Game Command
GameCommand <TheCommand>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
TheCommand==>Command|Type: String |
Detail: Runs a game-mode specific command / trigger. For example, to start the game in the SoTF mod game mode, run:
Ark Sample Cheat Command:
cheat gamecommand startgame
Get All State
GetAllState <type>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Type==>Type to summon| Type: String |
Detail: Prints all entities of given type to console (server console, not ingame) and to server log file ‘ShooterGame.log’ after a while (some minutes) if logging to file is enabled in server configs. Useful to check wheter specific dinos are spawned on map.
[2017.01.03-09.38.34:907][490]21) Ankylo_Character_BP_C /Game/Mods/TheCenter/TheCenter.TheCenter:PersistentLevel.Ankylo_Character_BP_C_317
[2017.01.03-09.38.34:907][490]22) Ankylo_Character_BP_C /Game/Mods/TheCenter/TheCenter.TheCenter:PersistentLevel.Ankylo_Character_BP_C_316
Ark Sample Console Command:
admincheat getallstate Ankylo_Character_BP_C
Get Chat
Cheat: n/a|Target: n/a|
Detail: Returns the latest chat buffer (the same amount that the clients see).
Get Game Log
Cheat: n/a|Target: n/a|
Detail: Print 100 entries at a time also outputs to dated file in in “\Logs”. Launch server with “-servergamelog” for this command to work.
Get Player ID for Steam ID
GetPlayerIDForSteamID <SteamId>
Cheat: n/a |Target: n/a|
Detail: Bug: This command does not seem to work correctly, returning a different value than the one used in ShowMyAdminManager, and does not work for commands that require player ID.
Get Steam ID for Player ID
GetSteamIDForPlayerID <PlayerId>
Cheat: n/a|Target: n/a|
Get Tribe Id Player List
GetTribeIdPlayerList <TribeID>
Cheat: n/a|Target: n/a|
TribeID |Type:Integer[32]|
Detail: n/a
GFI <BlueprintPathPart> <Quantity> <Quality> <ForceBlueprint>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
BlueprintPathPart==>significant part of the blueprint path|Type: String |
Quantity==>Number of items to add |Type: Integer[32]|
Quality==>Quality of added items |Type: Float |
ForceBlueprint==>true or 1 to add the item’s blueprint; false or 0 to add the item |Type: Boolean|
Detail: Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player’s inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.
This is a shortcut version for GiveItem. But instead of the complete blueprint path it is sufficient to specify only a significant part of it.
E.g. the blueprint path of the Tek ATV end in PrimalItemVHBuggy. You can use “vhbuggy” or “vhb” or “buggy” or “bugg” or “uggy” or… On the other hand “atv” will not work because it’s the name of the item but not a part of the blueprint path.
For ambiguous parts you will maybe not get the item you want. Instead you get one that the search mechanism finds first. E.g. for Bug Repellant (PrimalItemConsumable_BugRepellant) you can’t just say “bug” because this part is also included in “buggy”. You will get the Tek ATV in this case. But “bugr” is specific enough to find definitely the Bug Repellant.
To specify items by their item number, use GiveItemNum.
To give items to another player, use GiveItemToPlayer.
Sample Console Command:
cheat gfi bugr 10 0 0
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Toggles “ghost mode”, permitting the player character to pass freely through objects in the world that normally block movement, including the terrain itself. Use the walk command to disable the mode.
Sample Cheat Command:
admincheat ghost
Give All Structure
Cheat: Yes|Target: Target|
Detail: Gives the current player ownership of all the targeted structure and all structures connected to it recursively.
Give Colors
GiveColors <Quantity>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
QuantityItem==>quantity|Type: Integer[32]|
Detail: Gives you quantity of each dye in the game. In vanilla Ark, this equates to only 2.6 weight units per set.
Give Engrams
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Unlocks all crafting recipes for the player character. May lag a little.
Sample Ark Console Command:
admincheat giveengrams
Give Exp to Player
GiveExpToPlayer <PlayerID> <HowMuch> <FromTribeShare> <PreventSharingWithTribe>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
PlayerID==>Player’s in-game UE4 ID|Type: Integer[32]|
HowMuch==>Amount to give |Type: Float|
FromTribeShare ==>Apply as if experience came from tribe. |Type: Boolean|
PreventSharingWithTribe==>1: player only; 0: share with tribe |Type: Boolean|
Detail: Gives the specified player the specified amount of experience points. To easily give yourself experience, use the AddExperience command.
Give Item
GiveItem <BlueprintPath> <Quantity> <Quality> <ForceBlueprint>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
BlueprintPath==>The blueprint path of the item to give.|Type: String|
Quantity==>Number of items to add|Type: Integer[32]|
Quality==>Quality of added items|Type: Float |
ForceBlueprint==>true or 1 to add the item’s blueprint; false or 0 to add the item |Type: Boolean|
Detail: Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player’s inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.
To specify items by their item number, use GiveItemNum.
To specify items by a part of its blueprint path, use GFI.
To give items to another player, use GiveItemToPlayer.
Give Item Num
GiveItemNum <ItemNum> <Quantity> <Quality> <ForceBlueprint>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
ItemNum==>Item ID to add|Type: Integer[32]|
Quantity==> Number of items to add |Type: Integer[32]|
Quality==>Quality of added items |Type: Float |
ForceBlueprint==>true or 1 to add the item’s blueprint; false or 0 to add the item |Type: Boolean|
Detail: Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player’s inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.
To specify items by their blueprint path, use GiveItem.
To specify items by a part of its blueprint path, use GFI.
To give items to another player, use GiveItemNumToPlayer.
Sample ark Console Command:
admincheat GiveItemNum 1 1 1 0
see complete article for all kinds of Item IDs
Give Item Num to Player
GiveItemNumToPlayer <PlayerID> <ItemNum> <Quantity> <Quality> <ForceBlueprint>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
PlayerID==>PlayerID to give the item to.|Type: Integer[32]|
ItemNum==>Item ID to add. |Type: Integer[32]|
Quantity==>Number of items to add. |Type: Integer[32]|
Quality==>Quality of added items. |Type: Float|
ForceBlueprint==>true or 1 to add the item’s blueprint; false or 0 to add the item. |Type: Boolean|
Detail: Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player’s inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.
To specify items by their blueprint path, use GiveItemToPlayer.
To give items to yourself, use GiveItemNum.
Sample Ark Console Command:
admincheat GiveItemNumToPlayer 1234567890 1 1 0 0
see complete article for all kinds of Item IDs
Give Item to Player
GiveItemToPlayer <PlayerID> <BlueprintPath> <Quantity> <Quality> <ForceBlueprint>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
PlayerID==>PlayerID to give the item to. |Type: Integer[32]|
BlueprintPath==>The blueprint path of the item to give.|Type: String|
Quantity==>Number of items to add. |Type: Integer[32]|
Quality==>Quality of added items. |Type: Float|
ForceBlueprint==>true or 1 to add the item’s blueprint; false or 0 to add the item. |Type: Boolean |
Detail: Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player’s inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.
To specify items by their item number, use GiveItemNumToPlayer.
To give items to yourself, use GiveItemNum.
see complete article for all kinds of Item IDs
Give Resources
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Add 50 units of each resource in the game to the player’s inventory. In vanilla Ark, this equates to 300+ units of weight, so you will probably be encumbered. (200 of which comes from Metal Ore, Metal Ingots, Obsidian, and Crystal)
Sample Console Command:
admincheat giveresources
Give Slot Item
GiveSlotItem <BlueprintPath> <SlotNum> <Quantity>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
BlueprintPath==>Item’s blueprint path.|Type: String|
SlotNum==>Inventory slot number. (0-9) | Type: Integer[32]|
Quantity==>Number of items to add| Type: Integer[32]|
Detail: Adds the item specified by it’s blueprint path into one of your item slots. If the item does not support stacking, items after the first will be dumped into your inventory. Specifying an invalid slot id will dump all the item(s) into your inventory. Item quality will always be 0 and you cannot request adding a blueprint.
To specify items by their item ID, use the GiveSlotItemNum command.
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Give Slot Item Num
GiveSlotItemNum <ItemNum> <SlotNum> <Quantity>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
ItemNum==>Item ID to add. .|Type: String|
SlotNum==>Inventory slot number. (0-9) |Type: Integer[32]|
Quantity==>Number of items to add| Type: Integer[32]|
Detail: Adds the item specified by it’s item id into one of your item slots. If the item does not support stacking, items after the first will be dumped into your inventory. Specifying an invalid slot id will dump all the item(s) into your inventory. Item quality will always be 0 and you cannot request adding a blueprint.
To specify items by their blueprint path, use the GiveSlotItem command.
Give To Me
Cheat: Yes|Target: Target|
Detail: Changes the owner of the targeted entity (structure or dino) to the current player. However, note that this command does not actually tame dinos – their inventory will not be accessible and they will not be rideable unless they were already tamed by another player or you use one of the dino taming commands afterwards.
GM Buff
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Gives player God, InfiniteStats, EnemyInvisible true, and a bunch of experience.
For the same effect but without experience you can use LeaveMeAlone.
GM Summon
GMSummon <"type"> <level>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
“type”==>Entity ID to summon, enclosed in quotation marks. |Type: String|
Level==>Level w/o taming bonus|Type: String|
Detail: Spawn a creature of the specified type at the place of the player character and tames it. The dino isn’t cheat-tamed, so still requires a saddle. The level is without taming bonus, so if you want to end with a level x you should divide that number by 1.5. E.g. you want level 150, that is 150 / 1.5 = 100. You type 100 and the result is 100 plus 50% taming bonus: 150.
The quotation marks around the type are mandatory.
See also Summon, SpawnDino
Ark Sample Console Command:
GMSummon "Dodo_Character_BP_C" 100
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Toggles “god mode”, making the player invulnerable to damage from attacks, explosions or from falling. This does not prevent player character death by drowning (InfiniteStats must be enabled to prevent this). Repeat the command to disable the mode.
To specifically enable or disable god mode, use the SetGodMode command.
Sample Ark Console Command:
admincheat god
Hide Tutorial
HideTutorial <TutorialIndex>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
TutorialIndex==>{{{note1}}}|Type: Integer[32]|
Detail: Hides the tutorial specified by it’s tutorial index. See the ShowTutorial command description for a list of tutorial ids.
Hurt Me
HurtMe <Amount>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Amount==>Damage to deal. |Type: Integer[64]|
Detail: Damages the player character.
Sample Console Command:
admincheat HurtMe 50
Infinite Stats
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Gives the player character infinite food, water, stamina, carrying capacity and keeps Torpor at zero. Repeat the command to disable its effects.
Actually it refills your stats immediately. So it doesn’t prevent you from being killed if you receive too much damage at once, e.g. fall damage from very high.
Sample Console Command:
admincheat infinitestats
Kick Player
KickPlayer <SteamID>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
SteamID==>Player to kick[1]. |Type: Integer[64]|
Detail: Forcibly disconnect the specified player from the server.
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Instantly kills the targeted structure or dinosaur, leaving behind a corpse.
Actually it deals a large amount of damage that is sufficient to kill non-boss entities. You may need to execute the command twice or more on bosses.
To eliminate an entity without leaving behind a corpse, use the DestroyMyTarget command.
Kill Player
KillPlayer <PlayerID>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
PlayerID==>Player’s in-game UE4 ID. |Type: Integer[64]|
Detail: Kills the specified player.
Leave Me Alone
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Combination of God, InfiniteStats and EnemyInvisible true.
See also GMBuff
List Players
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Detail: List all connected players and their SteamIDs.
Make Tribe Admin
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Promotes you to an admin of the tribe you’re currently a member of.
Make Tribe Founder
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Makes you the founder of the tribe you’re currently a member of.
On Toggle In Game Menu
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Opens or closes the in-game menu (when you hit the escape key).
To specifically show the in-game menu, use the ShowInGameMenu command.
Open Map
OpenMap <MapName>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
MapName==>Map’s Name. |Type: String|
Detail: Loads the map specified by it’s name. (not sure if a file path is accepted)
Ark Sample Console Command:
OpenMap TheIsland
Players Only
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Detail: Stops all creature movement in the game world and halts crafting. Players can still move normally. Repeat the command to disable its effects.
Ark Sample Console Command:
admincheat PlayersOnly
Print Colors
Cheat: n/a|Target: n/a|
Detail: Prints the Color IDs.
Remove Tribe Admin
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Detail: Unknown
See also ForcePlayerToJoinTargetTribe, MakeTribeAdmin, MakeTribeFounder.
Rename Player
RenamePlayer <PlayerName> <NewName>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
PlayerName==>Player’s current name. String must be wrapped in double quotes. |Type: String|
NewName==>New name for player. Naked string. |Type: String|
Detail: Renames the player specified by their in-game string name.
Rename Tribe
RenameTribe <TribeName> <NewName>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
TribeName==>Tribe’s current name. String must be wrapped in double quotes. |Type: String|
NewName==>New name for Tribe. Naked string. |Type: String|
Detail: Renames the tribe specified by it’s string name.
Report Least Spawn Managers
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Detail: Unknown
Report Spawn Managers
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Detail: Unknown
Request Spectator
RequestSpectator <Password>
Cheat: n/a|Target: Self|
Password==>Spectator password. |Type: String|
Detail: Requests spectator mode on servers where there is a spectator password. The password given must match the server’s “SpectatorPassword”.
Save World
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Detail: Forces the server to save the game world to disk in its current state. In single-player mode, the game saves this information locally.
Ark Console Command Sample:
admincheat saveworld
Script Command
ScriptCommand <CommandString>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
CommandString==>Command string. |Type: String|
Detail: Runs a game mode specific command / script. These can be implemented by mod authors. Currently, there are no official game modes that use custom scripts.
SDF <NamePart> <Tamed>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
NamePart==>significant part of a creature’s Entity ID (without _C). |Type: String|
Tamed==>true or 1: tamed, false or 0: wild. |Type: Bolean|
Detail: Spawn a creature of the specified type with a random level in front of the player character.
The NamePart has to be unique enough to specify the desired creature. E.g. “mega” is part of a lot of creature Entity IDs and is not suitable to specify what you want, but “ony” is significant enough to address a Baryonyx.For a list of all Entity IDs see Creature IDs.
See also GMSummon, Summon, SpawnDino
Sample Ark Console Command:
sdf dodo 1
Server Chat
ServerChat <MessageText>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
MessageText==>Message. |Type: String|
Detail: Sends a chat message to all currently connected players.
Server Chat To
ServerChatTo <SteamID> <MessageText>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
SteamID==>Player’s SteamID. |Type: Integer[64]|
MessageText==>Message. |Type: String|
Detail: Sends a direct chat message to the player specified by their int64 encoded steam id.
Server Chat To Player
ServerChatToPlayer <PlayerName> <MessageText>
Cheat: Yes
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
PlayerName==>Player’s In-game name. |Type: String|
MessageText==>Message. |Type: String|
Detail: Sends a direct chat message to the player specified by their in-game player name.
Set Admin Icon
SetAdminIcon true|false
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Arguments: true to enable, false to disable
Detail: Hides the Admin Icon next to the name in chat when a player that has enabled cheats writes something.
Set Baby Age
SetBabyAge <AgeValue>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Target|
AgeValue==>Value to set age to (0.01 to 1). |Type: Bolean|
Detail: Sets the age of the target baby dino.
See also SetImprintQuality.
Set Cheat Player
SetCheatPlayer true|false
Detail: This will Enable/Allow cheat commands for the mounted dinosaurs,current player and for the whole game.
Cheat: n/a |Target: Self |Arguments: false to disable, true to enable.
Sample Console Command:
setcheatplayer true
Set Facial Hair Percent
SetFacialHairPercent <Length>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Length==>Value to set relative hair length. |Type: Float|
Detail: Sets value in the range from 0 to 1 (= 100%).
See also SetHeadHairPercent, SetHeadHairStyle, SetFacialHairStyle.
Set Facial HairStyle
SetFacialHairStyle <Number>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Number==>Number of facial hairstyle, see below. |Type: Integer|
Detail: Sets value in the range from 0 to 7.
0: Default
1: Moustache
2: Goatee
3: Romantic
4: Dread Beard
5: Mutton Chops
6: Curly Beard
7: Viking Beard
See also SetHeadHairStyle, SetFacialHairPercent, SetHeadHairPercent.
Set Global Pause
SetGlobalPause <IsPaused>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
IsPaused==>Pause game. |Type: Bolean|
Detail: Pauses _EVERYTHING_ game related.
Set God Mode
SetGodMode <Enable>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Enable==>Enable god mode. |Type: Bolean|
Detail: Enables or disables god mode for the current player.
To simply toggle between god mode states, use the command God.
Set Graphics Quality
SetGraphicsQuality <Quality>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Quality==>Graphics quality. |Type: Float|
Description: Sets your client’s graphics quality. Note that Ark claims the quality parameter is actually an Int32, but it does accept decimals (so I called it a float, not sure if that’s correct). This command is a general command that affects many different graphics settings, all of which will be set to the new value (rounding if necessary). This command does not change the quality to the graphics presets, which are generally much better to use. The table below lists the approximate corresponding graphics qualities.
<0 Low
1 Medium
2 High
>3 Epic
Set Head Hair Percent
SetHeadHairPercent <Length>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Length==>Value to set relative hair length. |Type: Float|
Detail: Sets value in the range from 0 to 1 (= 100%).
See also SetFacialHairPercent, SetHeadHairStyle, SetFacialHairStyle.
Set Head HairStyle
SetHeadHairStyle <Number>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Number==>Number of head hairstyle, see below. |Type: Integer|
Detail: Sets value in the range from 0 to 7.
0: Default
1: Mohawk
2: Afro
3: Romantic
4: Dreadlocks
5: Ponytail
6: Braids
7: Viking
See also SetFacialHairStyle, SetHeadHairPercent, SetFacialHairPercent.
Set Imprint Quality
SetImprintQuality <ImprintValue>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Target|
ImprintValue==>Value to set imprint quality to. |Type: Float|
Description: Sets value in the range from 0 to 1 (= 100%) of the target baby or adult bred dino.
See also SetBabyAge
Set Message of the Day
SetMessageOfTheDay <Message>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Message==>Message to use. |Type: String|
Detail: Sets the server’s “message of the day”, displayed to players when they connect to it.
Sample Command:
admincheat SetMessageOfTheDay Beware the dodo.
Set Player Pos
SetPlayerPos <x> <y> <z>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
X==>Coordinates. |Type: Float|
y==>Coordinates. |Type: Float|
z==>Coordinates. |Type: Float|
Detail: Moves the player’s character to the specified position instantly.
See also: Get coordinates command for The Island.
Ark Sample Console Command:
admincheat SetPlayerPos -71467 -52156 0
Set Show All Players
SetShowAllPlayers <Enable>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Enable==>true or false.|Type:Bolean|
Detail: Show player names in spectator mode.
Set Target Dino Color
SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Target|
ColorRegion==>Color Region. |Type: Integer[32]|
ColorID ==>Color ID. |Type: Integer[32]|
Detail: Sets the dino you target to specified color/s. See complete article for Color IDs.
Sample Console Command:
cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 0
Set Target Player BodyVal
SetTargetPlayerBodyVal <BodyValIndex> <BodyVal>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Target|
BodyValIndex==>Body Regions. |Type: Integer[32]|
BodyVal. |Type: Float|
Detail: Setting a value between 0.0 and 1.0 will adjust the targeted player area
Set Target Player ColorVal
SetTargetPlayerColorVal <ColorValIndex> <ColorVal>
Cheat: Yes
Cheat: Yes|Target: Target|
ColorValIndex==>0 : body, 1 : hair, 2 : eyes. |Type: Integer[32]|
ColorVal==>For eyes: 0 is yellow-ish, 0.4 is green-blue-ish,
0.5 is green 0.7 is orange, 0.8 is red. |Type: Float|
Detail: Changes the color of various parts of the body. Does not use Color IDs, but a percentage of the slider seen at character creation.
Set Time of Day
SetTimeOfDay <Hour>:<Minute>[:<Second>]
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Hour==>0..23. |Type: Integer|
Minute==>0..59 |Type: Integer|
Second==>0..59, (optional; defaults to 0) |Type: Integer|
Detail: Sets the game world’s time of day to the specified time.
Sample Console Command:
admincheat settimeofday 06:30:00
Show Debug
ShowDebug <value>
Cheat: n/a|Target: n/a|
value|Type: String|
Detail: Enables an on-screen overlay showing various debug information.
Prefix the value in the first column with ShowDebug, e.g. ShowDebug reset
Reset: Resets everything to normal
Physics: This will show you Location, Speed & Gravity
Camera: This will show you information about your camera (position, FOV, angle, etc.)
Bones: Use 3rd person view to see skeletal mesh
Animation: Shows information about animation
Input: All input keys are show with their action while pressing them + mouse & joystick input
Collision: Shows radius and height of your collision model (not sure)
Net: Shows remoterole and NetNode
weapon: No special information is given
AI: No special information is given
Show in Game Menu
Cheat: n/a|Target: Self|
Detail: Displays the in-game menu (same as when you hit the escape key).
Show Message of the Day
Cheat: n/a|Target: Self|
Detail: Displays the message of the day.
Show My Admin Manager
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Opens the admin manager GUI, which gives you easy access to a number of useful admin things. It shows your player’s current position, some useful server info, key server configurations, a list of currently logged in players, a list of banned players, a list of whitelisted players, allows you to modify the MoTD, and shows you a list of a good amount (but not all) admin commands. If you select a player in the connected player’s list, you can easily copy their UE4 player ID (a 10 digit number) into a command’s parameters for commands that require a player ID. Supposedly you should also be able to copy their Int64 encoded Steam ID for commands that require it, but it seems to be broken at the moment. Use the ListPlayers command or grep the server’s save files to get a player’s Int64 encoded Steam ID.
Ark Sample Console Command:
Show Tutorial
ShowTutorial <TutorialIndex> <ForceDisplay>
Cheat: n/a|Target: Self|
TutorialIndex==>Tutorial index. |Type: Integer[32]|
ForceDisplay==>True = show tutorial even if you’ve already seen it. |Type: Bolean|
Description: Displays the tutorial specified by it’s tutorial ID. Tutorials are localized messages coded into the game that are displayed in the same area as the message of the day that shows new users hints about the game. These tutorials disappear after some time, just like the message of the day. Currently there are only two tutorials:
0 Blank
1 Your first day.
Slomo <SpeedMult>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
SpeedMult==>Speed multiplier |Type:Float |
Detail: Sets the game speed multiplier. Change back to 1 to set back to normal.
Spawn Actor
SpawnActor <BlueprintPath> <SpawnDistance> <SpawnYOffset> <ZOffset>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
BlueprintPath==>Blueprint path. |Type: String|
SpawnDistance==>Distance in direction of viewing. |Type:Float |
SpawnYOffset==>Distance above or below of the direction of viewing. |Type:Float |
ZOffset==>Distance right or left of the direction of viewing. |Type:Float |
Detail: Spawns the entity specified by it’s blueprint path at a random level.
See also SpawnActorSpread, SpawnDino, Summon, SummonTamed, GMSummon
Ark Sample Console Command:
admincheat spawnactor "Blueprint'/Game/ PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Dodo_Character_ BP.Dodo_Character_BP'" 500 0 0
Spawn Actor Spread
SpawnActorSpread <BlueprintPath> <SpawnDistance> <SpawnYOffset> <ZOffset> <NumberActors> <SpreadAmount>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
BlueprintPath==>Blueprint path. |Type: String|
SpawnDistance==>Distance in direction of viewing. |Type:Float |
SpawnYOffset==>Distance above or below of the direction of viewing. |Type:Float |
ZOffset==>Distance right or left of the direction of viewing. |Type:Float |
NumberActors==>Number of the specified entities to spawn. |Type: Integer[32]|
SpreadAmount==>Unknown. |Type:Float |
Detail: Spawns a number of entities in the specified area.
See also SpawnActor, SpawnDino, Summon, SummonTamed, GMSummon
Spawn Dino
SpawnDino <BlueprintPath> <SpawnDistance> <SpawnYOffset> <ZOffset> <DinoLevel>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
BlueprintPath==>Blueprint path. |Type: String|
SpawnDistance==>Distance in direction of viewing. |Type:Float |
SpawnYOffset==>Distance above or below of the direction of viewing. |Type:Float |
ZOffset==>Distance right or left of the direction of viewing. |Type:Float |
DinoLevel==>Dino level. |Type: Integer[32]|
Detail: Spawns a leveled dino specified by it’s blueprint path.
See also SpawnActor, SpawnActorSpread, Summon, SummonTamed, GMSummon
Sample Ark Console Command:
admincheat spawndino “Blueprint’/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Dodo_Character_BP.Dodo_Character_BP'” 500 0 0 120
Stat <Command>
Cheat: n/a|Target: n/a|
Command|Type: String|
Detail: Enables an on-screen display showing various debug information.
Only the standalone stat commands from UE3/UE4 are available – the multi stat output table has been disabled. Prefix all stat commands with the “stat” command (example: “stat fps” to show fps.) Enter the same stat command to disable showing it.
FPS: Displays the current number of frames being rendered per second and the amount of time taken to render the frame in milliseconds (ms).
Levels: Displays a list of currently active levels and displays their status through color coding. Streaming levels are grouped under the persistent level. The number of seconds next to the level name is the time it took from load request to load finish.
Unit: Displays the time spent for the current frame on the CPU, the time spent in the game thread, the time spent in the render thread, and the time spent for the current frame on the GPU. The GPU frame time is only displayed if the time spent is greater than 0 (e.g. the GPU is actually being used / does exist).
UnitGraph: Normally graphs the information in the “stat unit” command in UE4 games, but the graph is apparently also disabled. Color codes the labels in the “stat unit” command output.
Sample command:
Stat fps
Stop Spectating
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Leaving the spectator mode which was started with EnableSpectator.
Cheat: n/a|Target: Self|
Detail:Kills yourself. Does the same thing as hurting yourself (see HurtMe command) for your current health, so it will not work if you are invincible. Was originally part of the game when it came out, but it was removed in a later patch. Since then it was re-added.
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Type==>Entity ID to summon. |Type: String|
Detail:Spawn a creature of the specified type at the place of the player character. Also usable to spawn Beacons.
See also SpawnActor, SpawnActorSpread, SpawnDino, SummonTamed, GMSummon.
See complete article for Beacon IDs and Creature IDs
Ark Sample Console Command:
admincheat summon Ankylo_Character_BP_C
Summon Tamed
SummonTamed <type>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
Type==>Entity ID to summon. |Type: String|
Detail:Spawn a force-tamed creature of the specified type at the place of the player character.
See also SpawnActor, SpawnActorSpread, SpawnDino, Summon, GMSummon
Sample Console Command:
admincheat summontamed Ankylo_Character_BP_C
Take All Dino
Cheat: Yes|Target: Target|
Detail: Changes ownership of all dinos of the tribe the player is currently looking at to the tribe of player.
Take All Structure
Cheat: Yes|Target: Target|
Detail: Changes ownership of all structures of the tribe the player is currently looking at to the tribe of player.
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Moves the player character forward in the direction the player is facing until the character collides with an object or the terrain. If the player wouldn’t hit the terrian or an object, they are teleported to 0,0 instead.
Sample Console Command:
admincheat teleport
Teleport Player ID To Me
TeleportPlayerIDToMe <PlayerID>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
PlayerID==>Player’s in-game id. |Type: Integer[32]|
Detail: Teleports the player specified by their in-game ID to the current player.
To teleport yourself to the other player, use the TeleportToPlayer command.
To specify a player to teleport by their player name, use the TeleportPlayerNameToMe command.
Teleport Player Name to Me
TeleportPlayerNameToMe <PlayerName>
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
PlayerName==>Player’s in-game name. |Type: String|
Detail: Teleports the player specified by their name to the current player.
To specify a player to teleport by their in-game id, use the TeleportPlayerIDToMe command.
Teleport to Player
TeleportToPlayer <PlayerID>
Cheat: Yes
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
PlayerID==>Player’s in-game id. |Type: Integer[32]|
Detail: Teleports the current player to the player specified by their in-game ID.
To teleport the other player to yourself, use the TeleportPlayerIDToMe command.
Test Steam Refresh Items
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Unknown
Toggle Gun
Cheat: n/a|Target: Self|
Detail: Prevents the player character’s equipped item (or hands if nothing is equipped) from being displayed. Repeat the command to disable its effects.
Sample Console Command:
Toggle Infinite Ammo
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Provides unlimited ammunition for all of the player character’s weapons. Repeat the command to disable its effects.
Sample console command:
admincheat ToggleInfiniteAmmo
Unban Player
UnbanPlayer <SteamID>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
SteamID==>Player to unban. |Type: Integer[64]|
Detail: Remove the specified player from the server’s banned list.
Ark sample console command:
admincheat UnbanPlayer 18446744073709551615
Unlock Engram
UnlockEngram <BlueprintPath>
Cheat: Yes|Target: n/a|
BlueprintPath==>a blueprint path
Detail: Unlocks Tekgram (Tek Engrams)
Ark sample console command:
cheat UnlockEngram "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/...something'"
Cheat: Yes|Target: Self|
Detail: Deactivates “fly mode” (activated by the Fly command). Physics and gravity will be applied to the player character normally.
sample console command:
admincheat walk