Keeping Relevant In November For Brands In The US And Globally

Situational marketing, sometimes called behavior-based marketing, is a marketing technique aimed at influencing buyers in certain ‘behavioral’ activities within an organization. These activities can either be external or internal. An internal example of this would be an advertisement for a new product placed in the local newspaper. The advertiser would hope that other business people in the vicinity will notice the advertisement and call up the advertiser to see what it is about.

The Internet

However, the newspaper is not the only medium through which situational marketing can be tried. The internet has also proved itself a fertile hunting ground for marketing strategies such as this one. What is interesting in this case is that the internet is a constantly changing medium in terms of its user base. Therefore, the strategies that prove to work one day may not work the next. But by observing the trends and reacting to them in a responsible manner, any marketing strategy, regardless of its medium, can be successful. For example, you could great a pumpkin spice themed lens on TikTok, and buy TikTok likes for content that promote your brand.


In a situation like this, staying relevant is the key. Staying relevant simply means remaining focused on what your target audience is interested in. For instance, if the advertisement is about new office furniture, then you are most likely to sell furniture to people who are in the market for office furniture. The news will be ignored. People would buy something else. Thus, staying relevant is all about finding new ways to stay relevant.

A Good Situational Marketing Technique Is To Analyze Potential Customers

Look at how they find information about your brand. How do they find it? By monitoring their conversations with friends, colleagues, family, etc., you can discover what makes your brand unique. Perhaps, you can incorporate some of their own words into your own speech or advertising. This way, you are addressing their needs as much as possible rather than just concentrating on your own needs.

For instance, if you are selling office supplies on Christmas, you should consider incorporating some Christmas-related words or images in your campaign. If you get close to the target audience, you might even find that they are already aware of this marketing technique. You can use this to your advantage by converting casual Christmas shoppers into overnight customers. Thus, if you integrate the image of Santa into your November ad, you will be sure to get closer to the Christmas crowd.

Sudden Trends

On the other hand, when you observe sudden trends, stay far away. By staying away from situational marketing that targets the wrong audience, you will ensure that you get closer to your target audience. If you target only teens, you will not reach out to teenagers at all. Thus, staying focused on the target population will ensure that your brand is seen in the right context. If you are able to spot sudden trends, you will also be able to identify potential customers who are likely to be interested in what you are offering.

Finally, to effectively combat sudden trends and information noise, you should counter it with constant and consistent brand messaging. Although it is true that social media sites are great tools for getting information, it does not mean that you can just spam them. Spamming can be dangerous to your brand since it can start negative feedback cycles. Instead of spamming, you should think about providing useful information to your target audience. Staying focused on the real audience will make sure that your brand gets closer to the pulse of the target market.


Spurred by all these points, it can be concluded that staying relevant in terms of November Advantages is crucial for brands in the United States and globally. Staying relevant can be done through creating timely and informative content, monitoring the trends, and using social media to circulate information about your brand. Staying relevant in international marketing requires you to counter current information noise by developing relevant content, being active, and keeping a balance between being global and national. Thus, it can be concluded that staying relevant in November is important for brands in the United States and globally.


