Essential EdTech Tools for Students

Digital Education is the new normal for students of today. Tools available on the internet allow students and teachers to exercise independence and offer guidance without stepping on the other’s toes. Modern education advocates for student discipline and self-control from a very young age. Educators believe that young students have the intelligence to learn on their own without external factors forcing them to do the same.

This is why a lot of EdTech tools are being used in schools to help students learn better. Here are some essential EdTech tools for students.

1. eduClipper

As the name suggests, eduClipper is a helpful and reliable educational technology tool that allows students to put together references and explore different concepts within a topic. It essentially acts like a clipboard that the student can share with members of their groups as well as with teachers for any input or additional information. It allows students to refine research techniques and learn in a more streamlined manner. Since it is all digital, the students’ learnings are stored and can be later referred to by teachers while marking them.

2. Animoto

Technology is more fast-moving and dynamic than we can keep up with. I remember the days I used to pay for my research paper through websites on the internet. Today, there is a lot more young students can do with a smart device and an internet connection, like use proofreading and citation solutions that help streamline their work. There are endless tools they can use for education.


One of such tools is Animoto. It gives young students the opportunity to create videos of the best quality using portable devices like mobile phones. Moving images can do what static images can not. Video is a highly engaging and effective educational medium that allows students to grasp concepts through visual imagery. The motion graphics can also be combined with commentary or music to complete the learning experience. The videos are then used to fill in the gaps in traditional education and engage students in a fun and fulfilling manner.

3. Kahoot!

Growing in popularity among primary and middle school students, Kahoot! is a wonderful new educational platform that is fully reliant on games, quizzes and other interactive testing methods to help students learn. Teachers are also given the opportunity to create lesson plans that include surveys, discussions, and other engaging learning methods that students can greatly benefit from. Playing and learning simultaneously can help retain a student’s attention for longer and make learning memorable.

4. Storybird

Research and analytics have shown that a lot of children enjoy learning through narrative-based lessons and other creative methods. Have you ever wondered how fun it would be if you could learn lessons through storytelling? Kids as young as preschoolers can use this educational platform to tell their stories in creative and engaging ways. These stories can be comic books, picture books, poetry, short stories, or novels.

5. Headspace

While the majority of educational technology tools focus on helping students learn more effectively by improving the quality of teaching. Headspace focuses on the mental well-being of students who are stressed with schoolwork. De-stressing and being mindful while learning is just as important as the process of learning itself. However, most schools do not pay attention to these aspects of education. This is why Headspace is used by teachers to help their students focus and teach them the value of mindful learning in the classroom.

6. TED-Ed

When students, teachers, and creative animators collaborate, TED-Ed is born. The educational platform encourages active student participation to understand what they need and how the existing education system can become more accessible to a more diversified group of students. 

7. Explain Everything Whiteboard

One thing that a lot of educational institutions have started to understand is that not every student learns the same way. Many students are better at grasping concepts through visual mediums. Explain Everything Whiteboard turns theoretical lessons into visual interactive examples that students can view, pause, rewind, and rewatch at their own pace.

Final Words

Our students deserve a better, high-quality education, especially when we have the resources that can make it happen. Technology has the ability to provide more effective and immersive education to young students today by using the very same platforms they are so well versed in. Invest in quality EdTech and give your students the best education they can get!

Author’s Bio – Michael Carr

Michael Carr is a passionate advocate of using EdTech in education. He is a writer and counselor who consults with educational publications as well as schools. His articles on EdTech have been published in reputed newspapers.

