VTT File: What is It and How It Can Help You? 

Do you ever come across a video or audio file that has the extension VTT? If so, you may be wondering what this file is and how it can help you. VTT files are actually quite simple. They simply text files that contain information about a video or audio file.

This information can include things like the title of the video, the length of the video, and even a description of the video. Moreover, VTT files can also be used to create subtitles for a video or audio file. Now let’s see what they are good for.

What Are VTT Files Good for?

VTT files can be extremely helpful when it comes to organizing your videos and audio files. They can also help you keep track of certain aspects of the video or audio file that you may want to change later on. 

For example, let’s say you have a video that is three minutes long. However, you want to add a new scene to the video that is only 30 seconds long. With a VTT file, you can easily add this new scene and then save the changes to the file. This can be extremely helpful if you are working on a large project and need to keep track of all of the different files that you are working with.

Are VTT Files the Same as SRT?

SRT and VTT files are both text-based subtitle files used for adding captions to videos. They both have the same basic format, consisting of timestamps and the corresponding text. However, there are some key differences between the two file types. 

SRT files are Simple Text Resolution files that are widely used and supported by a variety of video playback software. VTT files, on the other hand, are Web Video Text Tracks that include additional features such as support for multiple languages and positioning information for caption placement. As a result, VTT files are generally preferred for captioning purposes. However, both file types can be used to add captions to videos.

How to Convert VTT File To SRT?

VTT to SRT conversion is quite simple and can be done using a variety of different methods. One popular method is to use a VTT to SRT converter online. There are a number of different converters available, so be sure to choose one that is reputable and easy to use. 

Another method that can be used to convert a VTT file to an SRT file is to do it manually. This can be done by opening the VTT file in a text editor and then saving it as an SRT file. However, this method is not recommended for those who are not familiar with the VTT file format. 

Finally, some video playback software programs have the ability to convert VTT files to SRT files. If you are using such a program, simply select the “save as” option and choose the SRT file format.

How Do I Open VTT Files?

There are a few different ways that you can open VTT files. One of the most popular ways is to use a text editor such as Microsoft Word or TextEdit. You can also use a program specifically designed for opening and editing VTT files. 

If you are working with audio files, you may want to consider using an audio editing program such as Audacity. This program will allow you to open and edit VTT files as well as other audio files.

As you can see, VTT files are quite simple but they can be extremely helpful when it comes to organizing your video and audio files. 


Overall, VTT files can be a great asset to have when working with video and audio files. it’s mostly used for captioning purposes but it can also help you keep track of certain aspects of your video or audio project. If you come across a file that has this extension, don’t hesitate to open it up and take a look at the information inside. It could just be what you need to help organize your files!


